Child Rights & Childrens Participation

This paper draws upon the experience of Butterflies working for the empowerment of street & working children in Delhi, India. It is concerned with girls & boys who are surviving life in a particular geographic, socio-economic, political, cultural context. In recognition that children are social actors in their own right, whose views and perceptions need […]

Juvenile Justice System- A Situational Analysis of the Reality of Children

In providing a situational analysis of the reality of children who experience the Juvenile Justice System, this presentation focuses on the key questions- What system is outlined by the Juvenile Justice Act? Which children enter the Juvenile Justice System? Why do such children enter the system? How are children in the JJ System treated? This […]

Street Children and Drug Abuse

Paper presented by Rita Panicker at the Expert Forum on Demand Reduction in South and Southwest Asia, United Nations International Drug Control Programme, New Delhi, 6th-10th March, 1995

Towards Programming for Street Children

A Paper presented by Rita Panicker at the Seminar on “ Street Children in the Third World. On Theory and Practice, April 20-21, 1989, Amsterdam University, Amsterdam

Child Exploitation and Abuse

A Paper presented by Rita Panicker at the First Asian Conference on Child Exploitation and Abuse, Kolkata, 17-19, December 1990

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