
Action Research on Social Case Work with Children, Adolescents & Young People- Butterflies Study
BUTTERFLIES (India) along with CHILDLINK (Guyana) and UYISENGA NI IMANZI (Rwanda) conducted this action research on specific therapeutic approaches on mental health-wellbeing of children and

Action Research on Social Case Work with Children, Adolescents & Young People- CHILDLINK Study
CHILDLINK (Guyana) along with BUTTERFLIES (India) and UYISENGA NI IMANZI (Rwanda) conducted this action research on specific therapeutic approaches on mental health-wellbeing of children and

Action Research on Social Case Work with Children, Adolescents & Young People- UYISENGA NI IMANZI Study
UYISENGA NI IMANZI (Rwanda) along with BUTTERFLIES (India) and CHILDLINK (Guyana) conducted this action research on specific therapeutic approaches on mental health-wellbeing of children and

Raising Happy Children and Providing Safe Childhoods
This Reader aims to serve as a guide for parents, teachers and community members on how to prevent crime and violence by children. Parents, teachers,

Every child’s right to family life: an introduction to family strengthening and alternative care in India
A resource on answering the most frequently asked questions on care reform and addressing related misconceptions. IACN is a collective of organisations, academicians and practitioners

Compendium on Family Strengthening and Alternative Care Programme Practiced Across India
The “Compendium on Family Strengthening and Alternative Care Programme Practiced Across India” documents existing practices around family-based care implemented with the support of the state

Breaking the Silence on Sexual Violence against Boys in India
This study focuses on perspectives and childhood sexual experiences of boys in the context of masculinities and sexuality. Mapping the interventions of government as well

Voices of Street Connected Children in Delhi during COVID-19
This article published in the Indian Journal of Social Work by Tata Institute of Social Sciences describes the lived experiences of street children during Covid19

The Alternate Report for UNCRC
The First Alternate Report in the country on the implementation of the Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)

Action Research on Social Case Work with Children, Adolescents & Young People- Butterflies Study
BUTTERFLIES (India) along with CHILDLINK (Guyana) and UYISENGA NI IMANZI (Rwanda) conducted this action research on specific therapeutic approaches on mental health-wellbeing of children and

Action Research on Social Case Work with Children, Adolescents & Young People- CHILDLINK Study
CHILDLINK (Guyana) along with BUTTERFLIES (India) and UYISENGA NI IMANZI (Rwanda) conducted this action research on specific therapeutic approaches on mental health-wellbeing of children and

Action Research on Social Case Work with Children, Adolescents & Young People- UYISENGA NI IMANZI Study
UYISENGA NI IMANZI (Rwanda) along with BUTTERFLIES (India) and CHILDLINK (Guyana) conducted this action research on specific therapeutic approaches on mental health-wellbeing of children and

Raising Happy Children and Providing Safe Childhoods
This Reader aims to serve as a guide for parents, teachers and community members on how to prevent crime and violence by children. Parents, teachers,

Every child’s right to family life: an introduction to family strengthening and alternative care in India
A resource on answering the most frequently asked questions on care reform and addressing related misconceptions. IACN is a collective of organisations, academicians and practitioners

Compendium on Family Strengthening and Alternative Care Programme Practiced Across India
The “Compendium on Family Strengthening and Alternative Care Programme Practiced Across India” documents existing practices around family-based care implemented with the support of the state

Breaking the Silence on Sexual Violence against Boys in India
This study focuses on perspectives and childhood sexual experiences of boys in the context of masculinities and sexuality. Mapping the interventions of government as well

Voices of Street Connected Children in Delhi during COVID-19
This article published in the Indian Journal of Social Work by Tata Institute of Social Sciences describes the lived experiences of street children during Covid19

The Alternate Report for UNCRC
The First Alternate Report in the country on the implementation of the Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)