Street Education Programme in the Year 2018-19

10 School Management Committees (SMCs) have Butterflies’ staff and parents as active members resulting in an empathetic relationship between school authorities and families and subsequently an increase in student retainership (Parents and families are the most important influence in a child’s life. Their support can play a vital role at all stages of education.When parents are involved in their children’s education, both children and parents benefit. Research reports that parent’s involvement in their children’s schooling enhances children’s self-esteem, improves children’s academic achievement, improves parent-child relationships,helps parents develop positive attitudes towards school and a better understanding of the schooling process).

815 children (490 boys & 315 girls) were in our programme

733 children attending formal government schools

327 children attending our regular education program and are part of the formal education system

397 children (selected by children) taken on 6 study tours

Children’s Club institutionalized in 14 government schools of Delhi reaching out to 957 (456 boys and 501 girls) children.

8 children enrolled in a polytechnic course

Click here to learn more on our street education programme and several other initiatives


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