My Journey From a CVM to CDK’S Focal Person

Children’s Development Khazana (CDK) not only gave me life skills but a life too, securing not only my childhood but my adulthood too. It has truly been a Khazana, a treasure for me and my family. I live with my mother in Muzaffarpur, Bihar. My father left us when I was 7 years old forcing my mother to return to her parents’ house. She did odd jobs to take care of us and ensure that I can continue my education in a government school at least. We were struggling to make both ends meet till CDK came to our lives. One day one of my friends came with a new bicycle which was the centre of attraction. He shared about CDK run by Mahila Development Centre (MDC) in Muzaffarpur, Bihar which helped him save and get a new bicycle to travel to school each day. I visited MDC the very next day and was oriented on CDK. I shared this with my mother who consented to me joining it. The next day I was holding my own passbook in my hand. From then on, my tryst with CDK started. I attended almost all CDK meetings and gradually realised how important it was. We used to discuss real issues like our daily life challenges and how to overcome them. When the opportunity came, I stood up for the post of Child Volunteer Manager (CVM) and got elected by all members. During those 6 months, I learnt budgeting, bookkeeping, negotiation, and leadership skills. It helped me complete my schooling and go to University for my graduation. Today, I got an opportunity to work as a focal person of CDK in MDC. Experiencing its benefits myself I want that CDK reaches all children like me. Today when I look back, I am humbled and thank CDK which continues to provide a safe and secure life to many like me who did not have any support system.


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