A Call beyond Duty, to Drive, to Serve…

A call beyond duty….

Bhawan Singh, Chef, BSCC– “I know what is hunger, I myself was a street child once. I don’t want any other child to go hungry anymore. The lockdown had begun and I had almost reached my village in Uttarakhand when I received a call from office to come back to help prepare and serve meals. I turned back and began my journey back to Delhi. By then buses had stopped plying, vehicles had already started refusing to take anyone anywhere out of fear of the virus. I started walking back, and after sometime managed to board a truck bound for Delhi, I reached the outskirts of Delhi and had to get off due to the heavy checking by police. I walked again and boarded another truck to south Delhi. I then walked again to our kitchen at BSCC (Butterflies School of Culinary & Catering) in Malviya Nagar. I never felt upset as this was my duty; it’s the least I can contribute to my fellow brethren who are staring at a bleak future, without job, money or food. “

Driving to give life…

Rishi, Driver, Food Van, BSCC- “I have been driving the food van to our catering events often. But this time it was different. This time I was catering to stop hunger, to serve food to the hungry who may have not eaten for many days. I had to first apply for a curfew pass for the food van. Oli sir helped us get the passes. We then set off to the most affected areas, where most of our children were left without food, a roof or their jobs. Our priority was to reach the children first. The first day was overwhelming, seeing the gratefulness in their eyes on seeing us coming to them with food gave me more satisfaction than anything else. They were treating us like an angel or something. I can’t explain how it touched me and we came back even more determined. ”.

Staying back to serve…

Pappu, Chand and our kids at BSCC decided to stay back and help in the meal preparation and distribution. Masked and gloved the whole BSCC led by Bhawan Singh got together to serve the hungry and the forgotten, the homeless children, adults and families, where once they too belonged.


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