Learning to Fly
A newsletter from Butterflies January – June 2023
Action Research on Social Case Work with Children, Adolescents & Young People- Butterflies Study
BUTTERFLIES (India) along with CHILDLINK (Guyana) and UYISENGA NI IMANZI (Rwanda) conducted this action research on specific therapeutic approaches on mental health-wellbeing of children and adolescents, in crisis.
Action Research on Social Case Work with Children, Adolescents & Young People- CHILDLINK Study
CHILDLINK (Guyana) along with BUTTERFLIES (India) and UYISENGA NI IMANZI (Rwanda) conducted this action research on specific therapeutic approaches on mental health-wellbeing of children and adolescents, in crisis.
Action Research on Social Case Work with Children, Adolescents & Young People- UYISENGA NI IMANZI Study
UYISENGA NI IMANZI (Rwanda) along with BUTTERFLIES (India) and CHILDLINK (Guyana) conducted this action research on specific therapeutic approaches on mental health-wellbeing of children and adolescents, in crisis.
Raising Happy Children and Providing Safe Childhoods
This Reader aims to serve as a guide for parents, teachers and community members on how to prevent crime and violence by children. Parents, teachers, and community leaders can use these questions, suggestions to help them guide their thinking, planning, action, and create a more protective and caring environment for children in society. The Reader […]
Learning to Fly
A newsletter from Butterflies September-December 2022
Delhi Children’s Times
November – December 2022
Every child’s right to family life: an introduction to family strengthening and alternative care in India
A resource on answering the most frequently asked questions on care reform and addressing related misconceptions. IACN is a collective of organisations, academicians and practitioners dedicated to the exchange of information and knowledge dissemination on issues of children without parental care or at risk of separation. IACN Secretariat is hosted at Butterflies and supported by […]
Compendium on Family Strengthening and Alternative Care Programme Practiced Across India
The “Compendium on Family Strengthening and Alternative Care Programme Practiced Across India” documents existing practices around family-based care implemented with the support of the state and civil society organisations across the country. The Compendium was initiated, as the absence of documented evidence on family-based care practices in India was identified as a need at the […]
Alliance News
A newsletter from the National Association of Grassroots NGOs May-June 2022