Alliance Building

Delhi Child Rights Club

The ‘Delhi Child Rights Club’ was initiated by Butterflies on Human Rights Day 10th December 1998. Butterflies invited children associated with NGOs working with children in Delhi for becoming the member of the club. With adult’s failure to protect children’s rights in Delhi, the children took it upon themselves to ensure action to promote and protect their rights. Children pledged to form a citywide “Delhi Child Rights Club” as one mechanism where-by they could work together towards creation of a child safe and friendly city.  Their Club enables children in Delhi to meet together to find ways to increase awareness and action about children’s rights. Moreover, the Club seeks recognition as a forum of children who should be consulted whenever city policies or decisions are being made that affect them. DCRC has a core group, which has three child representatives from each DCRC member NGO. This core group meets once in a month to share their issues and plan their activities. DCRC members prepare their Annual Program Calendar in the beginning of every year and try their best to implement it. Through discussions, workshops, drama, songs and games DCRC members share their experiences, plan and undertake actions (awareness campaigns, rallies and programmes) which promote their rights. DCRC members also conduct studies on issues concerning their lives and share it with decision-makers and media.

National Alliance of Grassroot NGOs (NAGN)

NAGN is a National network of grassroots organizations committed for protection of children’s rights. NAGN is based on a shared vision and common understanding on the issues concerned to children to build solidarity for the cause of children and move forward unitedly to ensure effective action at the grassroots level for the protection of children’s rights. One organization in each state takes responsibility of the state level coordination as State Convener of the Alliance.

Major Objectives of NAGN:-

– To facilitate representation of the cause of children and the most marginalized (with Local Self Governments’, Civil Society, State and Central Government, Families and community groups)

– To work constructively with government and other stakeholders at all levels for the cause of children, families and communities, especially at the Grassroots’.

– To promote and advocate a transformative perspective on the situation of children (accompanied by a National database)

– To promote a code of ethics among NGOs and funding agencies

– To advocate and lobby with media to recognize the work of Grassroot NGOs

–  To make the Alliance an integral part of the socio-economic & mainstream discourse of the country.

–  To regularly review government policies and programmes of welfare, development and rehabilitation and give feedback to government and share it with civil society and media.

The Alliance is governed through equal democratic and transparent participation by all its members. The philosophy and belief of the Alliance is “Numbers do not matter but the commitment to the Rights of Children and the quality of action in support of the cause is the only concern”.

Click here to download the list of current members.